January 2024

A foot of snow covering a park nearby.

At the motorcycle museum.

Subpar photo of fancy new couch.

Here is what we've been up to during the first month of 2024, and here are the rest of the photos and videos.

New Couch

Rob: Before we settled into where we currently live, we had a smaller apartment over in another town where we bought a cheap futon-style couch that made sense for that space. We brought that over to where we are now and have continued using it for the past couple years, but finally we decided its time for a real couch. (Side note, our old red couch set is still in our house in Binghamton that we rent partially furnished -- we brought that couch with us when we moved from Arizona, and it belonged to Becky before we were married) Anyway, after looking at a few options at the furniture stores around here, we decided on a blue sectional with 4 pieces from Bob's Discount Furniture, that they call "The Dream." It is deep, and it has floppy cushions that absorb you when you sit on it, and it is perfect for these cold days when you just have to stay inside, hunker down, and enjoy the hygge lifestyle. I though Alex would be more excited about the new furniture, but he sits in it in the same place where he sat in the old one without much interest in it. Next, we'll be making a few other decorative upgrades to the living room to match it. More on that in February.

Snowy Days

Rob: We had our share of cold weather and snow this month. We had one big snowfall of about a foot earlier in the month, and another few inches about a week later. And other days with just a coating of snow. As Elders Quorum president, one of my jobs is to get guys to go clear the snow from the walkways at the church. So lots of shoveling this month. Fortunately at home we have a snowplow that clears our driveway, so I only have to shovel the walkway and steps. We had church canceled and some school days canceled too. Alex enjoyed being pulled around on the sled, and we went down the hill a few times at a park nearby.

Health Issues

Rob: With the cold and snowy days came some respiratory illness in some form or another for all three of us at some point in January. I had a fever and a really swollen throat for a few days, and I realize the past couple of years I've also been having some signs of sleep apnea. Anyway, this swollen throat combined with mild sleep apnea turned into very serious sleep apnea, and I could hardly sleep for several days because I would wake up choking and out of breath. I tried to make the best of it by getting work done at odd hours of the night and taking short naps as needed, because I was also working on a big NIH grant application at work with a deadline, and meanwhile my boss's beloved dog got cancer and died and so she had distractions too (but we did get the application submitted, all 400 pages of it). Anyway, it got better as my throat improved, but I am scheduled to see a doctor about it. Becky's lungs are sensitive to the cold dry air and that can cause a really persistent cough, which of course gets worse when she is sick. So she has just been trying to keep that under control. She has another unrelated issue that may require surgery later this year, but I'll let her talk about that if she wants to if that ends up being the case. So we are plagued by middle age along with respiratory illness (like everyone else) this month.


Rob: Because of the cold weather and poor health, we didn't get outside for much fun. Instead, we visited some arcades and shopping malls to get Alex out, and also made a visit to the motorcycle museum (which I opened up as an Elders Quorum activity; and one other guy came too with his kid).  Alex has been more of a homebody lately, really enjoying his imaginary play, so he doesn't mind staying in more.

What Else Is New

Rob: If you have Netflix, and you enjoy music from the 1980s as much as I do, then you should definitely check out 'The Greatest Night in Pop'. It's a documentary about how the recording of 'We Are the World' came about in 1985. It has a lot of interviews with musicians and people who participated in that, reflecting and telling stories, including Lionel Richie who teamed up with Michael Jackson to lead the whole thing.

Alex: This month Alex got a haircut and went to the dentist, both of which cause a lot of anxiety but he handled them well, even better than before. Sometimes he can overcome his anxieties with repeated exposures over time. For instance, we had to hold him down in the past in order to clip his toenails (although he has always been good about clipping fingernails). Then he eventually stopped fighting it, and is ok with it now.

Becky:  I don't have much to add.  I haven't totally loved the last two books I've read/am reading.  Hopefully, I'll find something recommendable soon.  One of my ongoing projects is my hair.  I have A LOT of hair.  Too much.  So when I go to Arizona, I go see my brilliant "stylist" who uses a razor to get rid of a ton of hair and shape what's left into something stylish that requires no real upkeep. No joke, her haircuts improve my looks substantially (like all good makeovers do).  Tragically, my favorite hair lady was unavailable while I was there last December so I went with a new lady who did her best.  Not many people can tame the beast, but I complimented what she did and actually kinda liked it for a week or so.  But as soon as my hair grew at all the beast was back (my fav stylist's cuts can last for weeks even months).  So I decided to try to thin out my own hair with a razor.  It's been rough going.  It kind of looks like a child did it- which is not far from the truth.   So I do my best each day and mourn the haircut that should have been.  What can I say, nothing beats a great stylist- so when you find the one, hold on to them, really- offer them whatever they want and like me, be willing to make all your travel plans around your visits with them if you ever have to move away:(

Mixed excitement and anxiety about sledding.

Going down the sled hill.

Pure joy of Alex's favorite arcade game.