February 2023

Enjoying some fresh snow at a nearby park.

A caboose on one of many rail trails. 

Our new (used) Ford C-Max.

This month we had an odd mix of weather: the first weekend dipped below 0 F with a -20 wind chill, then there was a week with temperatures in the 60s, and finally on the last day of the month we got 6" of snow - our first real snowfall. Here are the rest of the photos and videos from the month, and read on below for more details.

New (Used) Car and Trip to Pennsylvania

We've been looking for a replacement for our Prius for a while without much luck. Initially we were looking for another Prius, but then got sold on a Ford C-Max hybrid after test driving one last month. The C-Max may not have the reputation of the Prius, but it is more fun to drive and maybe less expensive than a comparable Prius. We decided to buy a 2015 Ford C-Max with 116k miles for sale at a dealership near Scranton. It was a bit of a drive, so on a cold Saturday the three of us made a day trip out of it that included a stop at  Chuck E. Cheese. Our other car, the Subaru, has about 215k miles on it, so there is some peace of mind in having another car with maybe a bit more life in it. Time will tell. So far we are really enoying the C-Max though, and getting about 40 mpg on it. Alex really enjoyed the stop at Chuck E. Cheese, along with about 100 other kids that were there on that very cold day. There are lots of videos of him playing games there, which he likes to go back and watch. (Rob)


Speaking of Chuck E. Cheese, I may have picked up something contagious there because a few days later I was incapacitated with a terrible fatigue and a soar throat that is still persisting a few weeks later (or maybe I caught something else). The infection spread to my ear, which is still plugged up a bit too.  I have no idea what I have, but it seems like long COVID maybe without the COVID because I tested negative for that.  I tried to isolate myself for a while in the bedroom so that Becky and Alex didn't get, but I think I did pass it on to Alex and he had to miss school for a few days. (Rob)

Valentine's Day

We had no major plans other than baking our traditional pizza at home on the holiday. The following weekend, we drove to Poughkeepsie to attend a Stake Dinner/Dance. The ward up there does this every year, and they let you drop the kids off in the nursery and the youth come serve your meals. We met a really nice couple (with a newborn), who were also very happy to get out.  We also hung out with our friends, Kris and Jasmine (who are engaged:)) and just enjoyed a rare night out.  It was a good time for Alex too, he enjoyed assessing the toy situation in the nursery as he does every time we go to a new church building. (Rob and Becky)

What Else is New

Rob: I was extended a new calling at church, but more on that next month.

Alex: This month Alex has really been into books, and has enjoyed many trips to the library and Barnes and Noble as you'll see in the photos. Unfortunately his other recent interest is climbing up around the kitchen cupboards and getting into things. In our photos you'll see him making himself at home in the kitchen sink. He can be really stubborn about it when we say no, so its a bit of a challenge. 

Becky:  Same ol' with me.  Just seeing clients and working with Alex- though I haven't been keeping up with his programs very well.  His team meetings keep getting postponed due to sickness or snow days.  This week I'll spend a couple hours with his team while they watch me run through his programs and show me all the new ones.  Alex's favorite thing to do his "work" for is spins- i.e., we pick him up under the armpits and spin him around.  Easy to get dizzy, but I can sometimes get a lot of good responding from him in exchange for spins.

Alex loves to name things in books.

Enjoying some scooter time afer a rainy day.

Alex playing at the Walden library.