February 2021
Here's a link to photos and videos from February, which are mostly of us playing around inside because it was a very cold and snowy month.
We did bundle up and venture out to the Walkway Over the Hudson bridge trail on one particular day that happened to be above freezing without snow. That walkway is a favorite spot that we've missed the past few months, and we enjoyed looking at all the chunks of ice floating down the Hudson -- a slight change from the usual scenery there.
This month we also took a trip to the Binghamton area to stay at the house for a few days. This gave Alex an opportunity to visit his favorite car at the mall there. As you'll see in one of the videos below, he gets pretty excited about it and will run the length of the mall to get to it. That weekend we had some doctor appointments and car maintenance to do, and otherwise just enjoyed a change of scenery, relaxation, cooking and some fantastic naps for a few days.
In other news, we had a low-key Valentine's day at home making pizza and then pushing Alex around on the scooter over at the church gym. Alex continues to do pretty well with pooping on the potty, and has added many Hot Wheels to his collection as a reward. Next we'll be working on the idea of using the potty for peeing too, along with all his other therapy goals. Becky has started working again and is now seeing three kids under the age of two that have speech delays. Her first visits with them were over Zoom, and now she is transitioning over to seeing them in person. Becky is also getting initiated into her calling in the Relief Society presidency, and hosted an activity over Zoom in an effort to help people get to know each other better who haven't interacted much lately. Our church meetings are still primarily over Zoom, although I realize in other places they are less cautious. I'm still going to the office one day a week and doing AirBnB cleaning while I'm at it, which takes me out to the Binghamton area for about 48 hours a week.
Next month we look forward to hopefully getting outside more, and maybe some good news related to this pandemic and vaccinations as we hit the year mark of really dealing with this in the U.S.
Baby burrito fun.
Alex's Cobra and Bob the Builder at the mall.
Learning to paint.