September 2018
by Rob
Sometimes Nursery is Nap Time.
Exploring Watkins Glen State Park.
At Otsiningo Park, a favorite place for Alex.
September started out hot and humid, but eventually cooled off enough to start seeing some glimpses of autumn in the foliage. We also had a lot of rain from the remnants of Hurricane Florence that scattered up to the northeast. For the second time this summer, the rain caused some isolated flooding and road closures in some areas. But when it's not raining or muggy, we've enjoyed getting outside to explore our surroundings.
Labor Day
Rob: I had the day off for the holiday, so we went to a local event in the town of Greene where we attend church. It was like a county fair with food, games, rides, a tractor pull competition, and all kinds of other events throughout the day. I guess they have been doing this event for almost 100 years. It was unbearably muggy that day, so we ended up just going over to our church building down the street to cool off and let Alex run around the halls and play with the nursery toys. The mugginess turned to heavy rain, and Alex played in that as well.
Rob: Alex has taken a strong interest in cars, and Hot Wheels have replaced spoons as his favorite comfort object to carry around with him wherever he goes. You'll see in one of the videos below, where he sends them rolling down a track in our basement (made from something I found on the discount rack at Lowe's). Somehow he knows what the proper orientation of a car is. In 9 of the 10 cars in the video, he sends them down the track facing forward. Alex also likes to watch the Pixar show Cars, to no one's surprise. Like most toddlers, he loves to run around, spin himself in circles, use his imagination and play with various other toys. Although he can be very vocal and chatty, he's still not interested in using too many words. He likes to say "go" a lot right now, and does still use "ma-ma" and "uh oh," and will say "car" and "throw" (or "fow") on occasion. We are still working on getting him weened from the bottle and milk. He has a very independent temperament and that can make it hard. Sometimes he can also be very focused on a task that interests him for a long period of time. Side note: you'll notice in some of the photos or videos the results of a terrible haircut I tried to give him.
Watkins Glen
Rob: After things cooled off a bit later in September, we made an excursion to a popular state park called Watkins Glen. I went there in July on my own, but it was the first time for Becky and Alex. I got a baby backpack from my family when we were in Utah that no one was using anymore, so it was a good chance to put that to the test. Alex is probably between 25 and 30 pounds these days, so he is about on par with a backpack fully loaded with gear that I might take on a multi-day excursion if I were backpacking someplace more wild. Although crowded, Watkins Glen is a great place for a family outing. You hike up along a gorge on a well-maintained trail of stones and steps that goes over bridges and under waterfalls, and people of any age can enjoy it on some level. There's a video below.
House Hunting
Rob: We've been mostly looking for houses in a town called Vestal, which has good schools and is close to the university. We finally found a cape cod style (i.e., 2 floors with gables) in our price range. It had a lot of personality and fun features like a white picket fence, patio and a barnwood basement with a fireplace, and it was in a cozy quiet neighborhood. So we met with our real estate agent and put in an offer not too long after it went on the market. Unfortunately, someone else made a cash offer on it and was the victor of the real estate spoils. So the hunt continues for now.
Becky's License
Becky: I just completed my application for New York state licensure in speech pathology. Once my old boss, Northern Arizona University, the Arizona Department of Health and ASHA (American Speech-Language and Hearing Association) send in verification of my past work and education, I'm all set. Processing will probably take until the end of the year so hopefully in January I can start looking for an employer who will let me take on just a few clients. This would allow us to pay for Alex to go to a 2+ hour toddler program 2 or 3 times a week. I don't really want to part with the little guy, but he, of course, could use some socialization.
There are two programs, particularly one at the Jewish Community Center, that seem pretty high quality (and not cheap). I think the little guy would eventually dig their circle time activities and "play centers". Right now we spend much of our days at the parks and at library story/play time. He's still pretty young (not even 2) and there is a waiting list so he may not go to a 2 or 3 year-old program until the middle or even end of next year. So first the job and maybe a babysitter here at home for a few or more hours a week. For now, I am happy to have my little buddy with me all day, every day. I'm glad I don't have to send him off just yet.